Yesterday, the European Parliament approved the Grobarczyk report on the Energy Union calling for a binding 40 % energy efficiency target for 2030. It also demands the application of the "Energy Efficiency First" principle and highlights the role of the building sector in increasing efficiency, reducing energy imports and creating jobs.
The vote reconfirms earlier Parliament positions and establishes energy efficiency as the "first fuel". By maintaining their call for 40 % energy efficiency gains, MEPs went far beyond the current position of the Commission which sees only a 30 % potential.
Oliver Loebel, Managing Director of PU Europe commented: "This initiative report shows that the COP21 commitments can only be achieved if we realise our cost-effective energy savings potentials. It should be seen as a clear signal to the Commission that 40 % efficiency gains must be modelled in the forthcoming impact assessment on the Energy Efficiency Directive."
MEPs identify buildings as the priority sector, as they account for 40 % of the EU’s total energy demand and consume 61 % of all imported natural gas. Both the depth and the rate of building renovation need to be increased and better insulation promoted. Energy efficiency "could boost energy security, competitiveness, jobs and growth, and help keep consumer expenditures low, to combat energy poverty and to meet the climate and energy objectives."
"We strongly believe that efficiency potentials should be realised first before investing in new generation and supply capacities. It is good to see that the European Parliament shares this vision", Loebel concluded.
To the Commission proposals here