Proposed REACH restriction dossier reflects industry’s commitment to safe use of diisocyanates (November 16)
Energy Efficiency Industrial Forum The Energy Efficiency First principle should be at the heart of the EU Energy Union (September 15)
Response of PU Europe to the public consultation of the European Commission on the circular economy (June 15)
PU Europe comments on the Commission Communication COM(2014) 520 final Energy Efficiency and its contribution to energy security and the 2030 Framework for climate and energy policy (September 14)
PU Europe Comments on Communication COM(2014) 445 final Resource Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector (September 14)
Energy efficiency in buildings – Politics cannot ignore economic necessity (leading industries in the building energy efficiency sector position paper) (July 14)
PU Europe reaction to the Public consultation on the review of progress towards the 2020 energy efficiency objective and a 2030 energy efficiency policy framework (April 2014)
PU Europe reaction to the consultation on the review of the European waste management targets (August 13)
Reply of PU Europe to the Consultation paper “Review of existing legislation on VAT reduced rates” (November 12)
PU Europe comments on the Communication on the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector (September 12)
PU Europe comments on the draft Impact Assessment for Ecodesign Requirements for Walk-In Cold Rooms (WICR) (September 12)
PU Europe comments on the proposal for a Directive on public procurement COM(2011) 896 final (May 12)
PU Europe comments relating to the Commission consultation on the modernisation of EU public procurement policy (March 11)
PU Europe comments relating to the consultation regarding a Communication on the Sustainable Competitiveness of the construction sector (September 11)
PU Europe comments on the Analysis and evaluation of 3rd draft criteria for Buildings and next steps (November 10)