PU Europe: The EPBD revision offers huge opportunities – Let’s use them

The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is a significant step forward, but implementation on the ground needs improvement and clearer rules are required to unlock the deep renovation of our buildings.
The European Commission’s public consultation on the functioning and future revision of the EPBD will end on 31st October 2015. 
Oliver Loebel, Managing Director of PU Europe commented: "The number of EU pilots sent for non-notification of EPBD implementation measures clearly shows that the directive could have achieved more if it had been transposed correctly by Member States. On the other hand, the EPBD triggered significant changes in national regulations and increased the overall awareness of building efficiency. The new EPBD must shift its focus from new build to the deep and staged deep renovation of our building stock."
In fact, 75 % of our buildings are inefficient and 75-90 % of them will still stand in 2050. Innovative policies are therefore required to realise their savings potential. PU Europe sees the need to set clear renovation targets for Member States and to transform the Energy Performance Certificates into Building Passports. They should set a long-term energy demand target for each building (deep renovation) and record all consistent steps towards realising this full potential (staged deep renovation). This would empower building owners to take sound decisions and limit the risk of lock-in effects. 
"Europe will not be able to meet its 2050 climate goals unless our building stock achieves nearly zero energy demand by that date. The challenges and opportunities are tremendous. We hope the revised EPBD will define a clear pathway towards this deadline", Loebel concluded. 
To the PU Europe answers here