The European Commission has launched the revision of the directives on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) and on Energy Efficiency (EED). If w…
Today, Europe's energy efficiency industry and other stakeholders published two calls on the European Council and the Environment ministers to use the…
Today, the European Commission published its long-awaited EU Heating and Cooling Strategy. It rightly identifies the residential sector and industry a…
The European Commission's public consultation on the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) is now closed. Its revision must ensure the realisation of the …
Yesterday, the European Parliament approved the Grobarczyk report on the Energy Union calling for a binding 40 % energy efficiency target for 2030. It…
The circular economy package tabled by the Commission offers a combination of binding targets and clarified or improved framework conditions. The prop…
The Commission's State of the Energy Union highlights the role energy efficiency and more particularly building renovation must play in meeting the EU…
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is a significant step forward, but implementation on the ground needs improvement and clearer rul…
The PU Europe general assembly took place in Poznan (Poland) on 9th October 2015. The delegates agreed that building renovation is key to achieving th…